Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Take 2!

Ok, so here is take 2 on today's update!  I'll start you out with a few pics :)

"Hamon" (as he now refers to himself) is so silly!

Buzz is doing as well as can be expected...just soaking up lots of love & attention.  I took him to the vet yesterday for his check-up and the vet thought his incisions looked good.  He won't have x-rays to monitor bone healing for another 5-7 weeks.  He is already walking on the leg though, which the vet says is actually good.

This is "MIHTUR CHEE TAYA HEAD" (Mister Tortilla head)  This was so funny because I had given him a tortilla to eat after I was spotted eating one (so of course both kids had to have one as well)...this is what he did with it after eating a few bites...

Not sure how many of you have seen Toy Story 3, but in the movie Mr. Potato Head uses a tortilla instead of his potato...... so this is the inspiration for Christian's creation in the picture above!

Playing with his skate board...being silly of course!

When Shelby and I went on our walk/ride through the woods, we found these tracks.  I wonder what animal makes that type of trail?!?

And last but certainly not least, my beautiful flowers ...picked by my angelic little boys! :)  Christian said he didn't pick Daddy any because Daddy's not a girl!

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