Friday, March 25, 2011

Happy Birthday to my BABY BOY!!!

I absolutely cannot believe that Camden is 2!  It seems like just yesterday we were celebrating his ONE year birthday....and 2 days before that, we were bringing him home from the hospital! Definitely bittersweet.  I did make Camden a video, but due to copyright laws, I cannot use the audio that is in his video on YouTube.  Therefore, I had to swap the very sweet audio that I had on there... "Beautiful Boy" was the original song.  I swapped it to something YouTube had to offer ("Arms Wide Open")..although it doesnt seem to be working---I'm going to post it without sound so that you could all at least see the pictures...


Happy birthday baby boy!  Please slow down on this whole growing thing. Your mama is having a hard time keeping up!  You came into our world 2 years ago today, and everyone who knows you is a better person for having known you!  You have a spunky little BIG personality that is so cute and funny.  You love giving hugs and kisses... and I love it too.  I dread the day that you outgrow the constant urge to want to be held and loved on by me.  I can understand everything you tell me in your 5-7 word sentences.  You definitely let me know when you want something and exactly what you want and when you want it (now)!  You imitate pretty much everything Christian says and does and have small conversations with him-- so cute!  Anytime you get in trouble, you immediately say "Give you hug!" and hug me and say "be 'weet!" so that you can cuteness your way out of trouble ;) You currently refer to yourself as "Ham" or "Hamon"..or when asked your full name, you respond "Hamon 'Cott Bwah-bwah".  Your favorite song right now is a ZumbAtomic song, "Chihuahua".  You also sing "I like it" (Enrique Iglesias) and "Blue skies" (the song I sing to you and Christian every night).  The current obsessive show at our house is Toy Story, thus the Toy Story birthday you're having tomorrow :) You count to three and know most of the colors.    You are such a joy in my life.  I honestly cannot imagine how much less colorful, funny, and happy my life would be without you in it.  You are such a silly little boy.  I love you more than words can say-- don't you ever forget it!

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