Thursday, March 24, 2011


Wow, what GORGEOUS weather we have had lately!  This morning I took Christian to school and then worked on our backyard (filling in holes dug by a certain dog named Shelby), weed-eating, etc.  Camden played with Nini most the time- thanks Nini!  I think we'll go get some flowers this afternoon and the kiddos can help me plant them ... I LOVE this time of year!  Today was also group picture day for Christian's class... I just cannot WAIT to see the "Scott-look" expression that I'm sure he plastered on for the pic ;)

Yesterday, Popo kept Camden for SEVEN, yes SEVEN, hours!  Scott, Christian, and I went to Dallas to buy Scott's "new" work/running around in car.  It is a mustang....and it just so happens to be YELLOW...bright, bright yellow.  Popo called it a canary, Coco called it a bumblebee.... I prefer sunflower myself ;)  Oh well, it is in really good shape for a '99 Mustang with only 68k miles on it!  Christian acted like such a little sweetheart for the 7 hour trip!  We had to stop in the Apple store in the Northpark mall for Scott's to get a new iPhone (his quit working) so while we were waiting, we checked out the Disney store ... oh my goodness, that is probably the coolest place ever!  I had never been... and I'm pretty sure Christian had a smile on his face the whole time we were in there!  Yes, yes, he got to pick one toy and we brought home Cam one toy :) A HUGE THANK YOU TO POPO FOR KEEPING CAMDEY! I know he had a blast.

I cannot believe my baby turns 2 tomorrow.  It seems like we JUST had his first birthday! Stay tuned for a sure to be tear-jerker birthday post tomorrow :)

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