Wednesday, March 30, 2011

If it's too cold for anything else...

Hop in the hot tub for an hour ...or two!  Christian & Camden had a blast!  When we finally came in, Christian kept saying "My do dat 'gain when Daddy home.  Dat weally weally hun (really really fun)!"





Playing in the pasture+ your birthday + cupcake = little boy paradise :)


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Just a quick tip...

If you're ever weedeating near your AC unit, make sure not to catch the tiny little unprotected wire that is randomly sticking out the back.  It can, or in our case DID, cause the entire AC unit to stop working.  I did this 2 days ago- now the temp in most of our house is slightly higher than comfortable!  *Sigh* much for trying to help out the hubby....

Friday, March 25, 2011

Happy Birthday to my BABY BOY!!!

I absolutely cannot believe that Camden is 2!  It seems like just yesterday we were celebrating his ONE year birthday....and 2 days before that, we were bringing him home from the hospital! Definitely bittersweet.  I did make Camden a video, but due to copyright laws, I cannot use the audio that is in his video on YouTube.  Therefore, I had to swap the very sweet audio that I had on there... "Beautiful Boy" was the original song.  I swapped it to something YouTube had to offer ("Arms Wide Open")..although it doesnt seem to be working---I'm going to post it without sound so that you could all at least see the pictures...


Happy birthday baby boy!  Please slow down on this whole growing thing. Your mama is having a hard time keeping up!  You came into our world 2 years ago today, and everyone who knows you is a better person for having known you!  You have a spunky little BIG personality that is so cute and funny.  You love giving hugs and kisses... and I love it too.  I dread the day that you outgrow the constant urge to want to be held and loved on by me.  I can understand everything you tell me in your 5-7 word sentences.  You definitely let me know when you want something and exactly what you want and when you want it (now)!  You imitate pretty much everything Christian says and does and have small conversations with him-- so cute!  Anytime you get in trouble, you immediately say "Give you hug!" and hug me and say "be 'weet!" so that you can cuteness your way out of trouble ;) You currently refer to yourself as "Ham" or "Hamon"..or when asked your full name, you respond "Hamon 'Cott Bwah-bwah".  Your favorite song right now is a ZumbAtomic song, "Chihuahua".  You also sing "I like it" (Enrique Iglesias) and "Blue skies" (the song I sing to you and Christian every night).  The current obsessive show at our house is Toy Story, thus the Toy Story birthday you're having tomorrow :) You count to three and know most of the colors.    You are such a joy in my life.  I honestly cannot imagine how much less colorful, funny, and happy my life would be without you in it.  You are such a silly little boy.  I love you more than words can say-- don't you ever forget it!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Wow, what GORGEOUS weather we have had lately!  This morning I took Christian to school and then worked on our backyard (filling in holes dug by a certain dog named Shelby), weed-eating, etc.  Camden played with Nini most the time- thanks Nini!  I think we'll go get some flowers this afternoon and the kiddos can help me plant them ... I LOVE this time of year!  Today was also group picture day for Christian's class... I just cannot WAIT to see the "Scott-look" expression that I'm sure he plastered on for the pic ;)

Yesterday, Popo kept Camden for SEVEN, yes SEVEN, hours!  Scott, Christian, and I went to Dallas to buy Scott's "new" work/running around in car.  It is a mustang....and it just so happens to be YELLOW...bright, bright yellow.  Popo called it a canary, Coco called it a bumblebee.... I prefer sunflower myself ;)  Oh well, it is in really good shape for a '99 Mustang with only 68k miles on it!  Christian acted like such a little sweetheart for the 7 hour trip!  We had to stop in the Apple store in the Northpark mall for Scott's to get a new iPhone (his quit working) so while we were waiting, we checked out the Disney store ... oh my goodness, that is probably the coolest place ever!  I had never been... and I'm pretty sure Christian had a smile on his face the whole time we were in there!  Yes, yes, he got to pick one toy and we brought home Cam one toy :) A HUGE THANK YOU TO POPO FOR KEEPING CAMDEY! I know he had a blast.

I cannot believe my baby turns 2 tomorrow.  It seems like we JUST had his first birthday! Stay tuned for a sure to be tear-jerker birthday post tomorrow :)

Monday, March 21, 2011

I don't think... gets much sweeter than this!  These boys love their Popo!!


We stayed outside until around 8:30 tonight... playing with Popo, Nini, and Shelby...then eating pizza that KB brought over after work! We LOVE warm weather and daylight savings...even with all the pollen, it beats 15 degrees and snowing any ole day!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Zoo fun!

Yesterday we went to the zoo with MeMe, Papaw, Auntie (& Ethan!), Chris, Emmalie, Elise, and Popo!  It was a fun time and Christian and Camden had a blast!  Big thanks to NINI (Norris) for bringing my extra set of keys after a tantrum about shoes by Christian caused me to be in such a tiz (is that a word?) that I couldn't think straight apparently and locked the keys in the car! 

What a cute little those!

This was Cam's reaction to seeing the giraffes! ha!

Camden said "yay, HUN!" (fun)


Lisey Lou!

What a fun POPO!

I love this picture!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My new (to me) ride!!


We love it! 

Now, if you know anyone who wants to buy an '04 Mazda Tribute.....

Saturday, March 12, 2011

From the mouth of Christian...(two videos)

He "Dang-a-hih" (Dangerous)

A little confused!!

I am constantly laughing at the things he comes up with!

This can't be MY baby...

there is NO WAY my baby could be so grown up and picking me flowers! *SNIFF!*

Baby Camden, where did you go!?!? Toddler Camden: quit growing up so fast!!

Little Boy Christian is a whole 'nother post!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

2 down, 2 to go!

We sold Scott's truck yesterday.  We sold Scott's Honda today.  Now we just have my Tribute and his Firebird to go!  Our plan is to get Scott a 4 seat Honda and me a larger SUV (probably Tahoe) that is capable of pulling something if we needed it to do so.

Now on to some pics!  I took Christian & Camden to the new Jumpin' Jacks yesterday.  Christian was sweating within 10 minutes he was playing so hard!  Cam was a little more cautious, and did not want to climb up and go down the slides...he did his fair share of jumping though!

Here is a video of them playing... FUN!





Camden has acted fine all day!  I'm not sure what was going on with him yesterday afternoon, but I'm praying that it is long gone!

This next picture is of a dog that wandered up to Vicki's house.  She has a lot of dogs get dumped around there.  She said he was badly matted so she had him groomed and they had to cut his hair really short.  He is a Shih-tzu that she thinks is middle-aged and VERY SWEET!  Please ask your friends if they could give this cute guy a home!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Camden has been off of his antibiotic (2nd round in a row) for a day and a half ...and already woke up this afternoon (4:40 when I finally had to wake him up) with a 100 fever and acting like he feels horrible.  Back to the doctor for us tomorrow... really?!?!?  SUMMER pretty pretty please with a cherry on top!!!

Poor guy...


Message from Buzz

Broken bones really STINK (and I know this)!  Thinking of you, Papaw (Keith)!!!  Photobucket

Hoping you receive as much love & attention at your house as I've been getting at my house!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Take 2!

Ok, so here is take 2 on today's update!  I'll start you out with a few pics :)

"Hamon" (as he now refers to himself) is so silly!

Buzz is doing as well as can be expected...just soaking up lots of love & attention.  I took him to the vet yesterday for his check-up and the vet thought his incisions looked good.  He won't have x-rays to monitor bone healing for another 5-7 weeks.  He is already walking on the leg though, which the vet says is actually good.

This is "MIHTUR CHEE TAYA HEAD" (Mister Tortilla head)  This was so funny because I had given him a tortilla to eat after I was spotted eating one (so of course both kids had to have one as well)...this is what he did with it after eating a few bites...

Not sure how many of you have seen Toy Story 3, but in the movie Mr. Potato Head uses a tortilla instead of his potato...... so this is the inspiration for Christian's creation in the picture above!

Playing with his skate board...being silly of course!

When Shelby and I went on our walk/ride through the woods, we found these tracks.  I wonder what animal makes that type of trail?!?

And last but certainly not least, my beautiful flowers ...picked by my angelic little boys! :)  Christian said he didn't pick Daddy any because Daddy's not a girl!


Hey everyone!  Enjoying this gorgeous NASTY weather?  I am soooo ready for the time to SPRING FORWARD this weekend!  Summer is getting so close I can just taste it! ;)  

I was going to write yall a lengthy update on everything, but Nanno just called and she & "Mirtirl" (Mitchell)are going to keep Christian & Camden while I go get a few things we need from "THA DUB-YA" (Walmart).  lol I've got to go!

Will update later!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

What soaking up sympathy looks like.....


He was honestly watching the TV

Lets see....

Camden all ready for "Boombatomic"

Hi Scott Christian!

Playing with my stuff!

Resting with Nini!


Please pray for a friend of mine, Hope.  She is 33 weeks pregnant and instead of having her baby shower this morning, she is in the hospital to stop contractions. I'm praying for you and Finnley, Hopie!
BUZZ UPDATE:  I went and picked up another pain medicine for him yesterday afternoon because he was whining/restless and I assumed he was hurting.  He has done pretty good since then.  He is beginning to get the hang of going to the bathroom when I take him outside.  However, last night, I let him out after I got out of the hot tub (so I had my swimsuit on).  He took FOREVER-all the while, cars were going by and I'm standing in the front yard in a swimsuit!  THEN, this morning when it stopped raining for a couple mins I took him out.  I was unaware that the windchill was 35 degrees- so I was wearing a t-shirt and shorts! (and of course, he took what seemed like an eternity to go!)  He actually tries to walk and even run on his leg and I have to get him to stop so that he won't hurt what is trying to heal.

Gotta go tan and warm up!!! Haven't gotten to go in about 6 days...I need to go thaw out and relax!!