Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Christian & Camden

Well guys & gals, as you can tell- life has been super busy (what's new huh?!?!)  Anyway, I wanted to update you about my babies, it's been awhile...

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Christian is now 3 years and 8 months (almost 9 months) old and TOTALLY full of personality.  He is about 39 inches tall (we measured ourselves, I think he may be almost 40 inches).  He usually weighs about 34 lbs (they like to weigh!).  Christian doesn't necessarily have a favorite show right now.  He is into The Little Mermaid, Dora, Diego, Strawberry Shortcake, Jake & the Neverland Pirates, & Mickey Mouse  (don't worry, he doesn't watch all of these in one day's time).  He can count to "nedenteen" (17).  He loves singing the ABC's, "the Mack song" aka Life is a Highway off of the Cars movie, "Straw-ba-ba-ba-ba-berry Yurtcake" (Strawberry Shortcake), Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and the Spongebob song (I don't like that show and have to approve the episode IF I let them watch it).  Every night he choses from the above list of songs for me and Scott (when he's home) to sing.  He sleeps in his own bed with the closet door open for light and a mini-fan going in his room so he "can't hear a dog bark". Christian & Shelby are definitely a pair.  He has to take a flashlight, a drink, usually at least one toy, sometimes one of my/Scott's shirts, sometimes a picture, and sometimes a stuffed "animure" (animal)!  Putting him to bed takes approximately 15 minutes and you can be sure he will call you back in his room a MINIMUM of one/two times for one reason or another.  He sleeps from 8:30 or 9 until 6:30-7.  He tells me "I wuh (love) you for all all day" alot .... and also "I don't love you this much,Photobucket I love you PhotobucketTHIS much! :)

Camden..or Camdey-Cam, Cammy, Cam, Camo...whatever happens to come out! :)  Cammy is now 2 years 4 months old and 37-37.5 inches tall.  He weighs in at 32-33 lbs! (Yes, only 1-2 lbs less than his big brother!)  He cracks me up with the entire conversations that he is capable of having.  Sometimes I just look at him, amazed at the long & flowing sentences he produces! Camdey can usually count to "aweh-den-teen" (11).  He also loves singing the ABC's & can recognize most of the letters when playing a letter game on my phone.  His favorite show is definitely "bah-bah-bah-bah-bah-berry, baw-berry YURTCAKE!" He loves "Pupcake" and "Cuh-turd" (Custard) on the show. He also enjoys all of the above shows that Christian likes (he usually goes with the flow on that!).  He & Buzz are in love.  Buzz lets him rip his hair out, and Camden lets Buzz lick the excess food off of his arms ..haha!  THE CHILD COULD EAT ALL DAY LONG, EVERY SINGLE DAY!! (So long as it's not meat).  He sleeps in his own bed as well and with a single night light.  He doesn't take anything to bed at the moment, which is odd because he used to sleep with like 45 stuffed animals- he's going through a stage where he wants EVERYTHING OUT of his bed except for his pillow and two, yes two, blankets.  We sing ABC's and You've Got a Friend in Me every night.  He knows every single word of and LOVES that song. He sleeps from 8:30 or 8:45- 8ish. Photobucket He also eats his toes.

Both of these babies keep me laughing.  They do make me want to pull my hair out, but it's never long until they say or do something to make me smile and put my hair back in ;)  I LOVE THEM more than words could every say! (Camden also is more willing to take pictures with me!)



Sherry said...


Sherry said...

oh..and ps...cute website changes too!