Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Kinder babies!

So I went to my kinder class(student teaching) yesterday so sad about being away from my own babies and asking myself WHY I am doing this right now. WHY would I have ever thought I would feel okay with leaving them for 13 weeks Mon-Fri???  WHY didn't I wait until they started school?  We read a book called "Can Do Kid" and were doing an "I can __" project to go with the book. I asked one little boy what he CAN do so that I could help him sound it out & write it and he said "I can share Jesus and I can love." Right then, I remembered why I am doing this-- I love it! So precious! 

Nothing will change the fact that it breaks my heart every single day to leave Christian & Camden, but I was reminded of WHY I am doing it and how great it is that one day I will be earning money by doing something I love. Now, if I can just get through 62 more days of leaving my babies.....!!

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