Saturday, August 20, 2011

Summer is coming to an end! :(

Well, one week from Monday you can find me in a Kindergarten class Mon-Fri 7:45-3:45! I met my mentor teacher and she is really sweet and supposed to be a wonderful teacher to learn from, so I am excited!  I also met most of the kiddos in her class- they were all so cute of course!  Christian and Camden start school September 6! I am anxious to see if history is going to repeat itself and Camden is going to cry every day for the first semester like Christian did...I hope not, but I'm pretty sure he is going to.  We shall see!

Here are some pictures of Christian and Camden....

If "Camden" was in the dictionary- I'm pretty certain this is the picture that would be there!  Hungry and messy!

Christian is such a big boy!

Camden looks so much older compared to the pool pic from the beginning of summer...


Little Scooter

Oh Summer, how we love you....even if you are entirely too hot!

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