Friday, April 15, 2011


Well we took the little "preciouses" to the dentist this morning.  Christian would absolutely NOT even sit in the chair for x-rays.  He didn't cooperate for them to "take a look" either, so we had to hold him down for that.  No wonder everyone hates the dentist, ha!  We had to hold Cam down for his exam also.  The good news is that neither one has any cavities.  The bad news is that they both have small mouths with teeth "really close together."  Christian also fell a couple of weeks ago in the shower and hit his tooth.  It is now turning a darker color, which the dentist said is normal.  However, it most likely will not go back to the correct color.  Lucky for us, it's a baby tooth.  They go back to the dentist 6 months from now and hopefully the little "preciouses" will be more cooperative and let them give them a good cleaning!

I am going to take Christian to the pediatrician this afternoon for what I think might be some sort of infection under his ear (on the outside).  Pray that it's just something simple and easily fixable!  I will update yall when I know more :)

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