Monday, April 11, 2011

In response to a request!

I will be starting back up my *I am thankful for...* posts.  This is an awesome way to not only point out what I am thankful for, but it is a reminder of exactly how blessed I am! 

Today I am thankful for "boring".  Sometimes I add more and more activities to my life in order to make it more lively.  However, I actually feel LUCKY & BLESSED to be living a somewhat calm and peacefully uneventful life.

This stems from the story I have been asking you to pray for.  Finnley's platelet count was up this morning, but dropped back down again this evening.  Hope has donated platelets and they are "washing" them and going to give them to Finnley.  This is in place of just giving her random donor platelets.  Her count was at 37k at the last check, and normal is around 150k.  Her count was 5k when she was born.  Please keep praying for Miss Finnley Reese! 

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