Thursday, April 14, 2011

Happy Thursday!

Wow, the Barmore schedule is filling up for the next few weeks it seems like!  Christian & Camden have their first dentist appointment tomorrow.  You should have seen the look on Scott's face when I told him that the FOUR of us are making that trip.  "I will be at work", he said.  "Oh no honey, I scheduled it while you were off on purpose!" Haha.  I would have to be on drugs to take 2 kids ages 2 and 3 to the dentist by myself.  Not happenin'. :)  So, any tips on how to make it through those appointments without all having to be severely drugged &/or sedated are super welcomed!  PLEASE!  If we all make it through that, I will let you know how it went!

We are taking Scott's car to the Whataburger cruise night tonight.  It will be sporting a for sale sign!  Also, for those of you interested, tonight is the Rabies clinic at the Whitehouse HS barn at 7pm.  $8/pet.  A vet's office charges $35-$40, so it's a pretty good deal!  We are going to that tonight as well.

Buzz is scheduled to have x-rays and possibly surgery again next week.  If his leg is healed, he will have the rod removed if he hasn't grown too much for Dr. Reese to "get to it."  I guess it is favorable to remove the rod if at all possible, but if not, that is okay too.  I am hopeful that all of Buzz's (3) breaks in his pelvis are healed as well as his leg.  He certainly does not act like anything is bothering him.  He fights the leash and tries to run at every chance he gets.  He also stands up on his back legs to look over the fence that he stays in in my room.  He has been the BEST puppy during all of this.  He will just be 6 months old tomorrow.  The very first night he was inside in his fence was the ONLY time he has had a bathroom accident.  Since then, not a single accident...just whines when he needs to go out... I like to brag about how smart he is, but it IS lack of brilliance on his and my part that we're in this situation in the first place ;)

School is still going good for me.  I am currently taking my last two required Bible courses.  They are my least favorite just because of how difficult the instructors make it.  Apparently, LETU has a rep for extremely hard/unfavorable Bible classes.  Three more courses this summer + student teaching during fall= DONE, DONE, DONE!  I am SO ready!  It will only be 8 years since I graduated HS when I get my Bachelors (a 4 yr degree) ;)

I have some cute videos and pics of the kids playing outside yesterday that I will try to get on here soon... right now, Cam isn't really excited about this novel I've been writing on here ;) 

****Today (and everyday), I am thankful to live so close to my family.  It's so great to be able to see the people we love often!****

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