Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Kinder babies!

So I went to my kinder class(student teaching) yesterday so sad about being away from my own babies and asking myself WHY I am doing this right now. WHY would I have ever thought I would feel okay with leaving them for 13 weeks Mon-Fri???  WHY didn't I wait until they started school?  We read a book called "Can Do Kid" and were doing an "I can __" project to go with the book. I asked one little boy what he CAN do so that I could help him sound it out & write it and he said "I can share Jesus and I can love." Right then, I remembered why I am doing this-- I love it! So precious! 

Nothing will change the fact that it breaks my heart every single day to leave Christian & Camden, but I was reminded of WHY I am doing it and how great it is that one day I will be earning money by doing something I love. Now, if I can just get through 62 more days of leaving my babies.....!!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Happyyyyyyy Birthdayyyyyyyy!!!

Happy 32nd birthday to Scott!! WOW you're old!! ;)  Have fun with our little angels today and enjoy all the REAL FOOD you get to FINALLY eat!!

I love you!!!! Tell Christian and Camden that I love & miss them!!! 

Sunday, August 28, 2011


At all my cute school goodies that Debbie & Keith brought to me this evening!  So sweet and so cute- thank
y'all!!  :)


Saturday, August 27, 2011


Well, Summer has come and gone entirely too fast and it's student teaching for me starting Monday.  I have been excited, but now I am just sad about leaving my kids.  Really, really sad.  Like, randomly-crying-during-the-day sad.  Questioning why I didn't wait until they started school sad.  I'm going to miss their meet the teacher and ALL of their days of school this semester.  Lets just hope I can hold it together Monday morning- doubtful, but hopeful.  I just keep telling myself if I can just get through the next 13 weeks, I will have the next 2-3 YEARS to stay with them.
On a brighter note, I officially made an "A" in my last online course!  Now, if I can make an "A" or "B" in student teaching, I will graduate magna cum laude.  I wanted summa cum laude but thanks to Bible courses that's not going to happen! Anyway FINGERS CROSSED for at least SOME honors!

I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend!

Camden Wii bowling...haha

Click the above link to watch!!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Summer is coming to an end! :(

Well, one week from Monday you can find me in a Kindergarten class Mon-Fri 7:45-3:45! I met my mentor teacher and she is really sweet and supposed to be a wonderful teacher to learn from, so I am excited!  I also met most of the kiddos in her class- they were all so cute of course!  Christian and Camden start school September 6! I am anxious to see if history is going to repeat itself and Camden is going to cry every day for the first semester like Christian did...I hope not, but I'm pretty sure he is going to.  We shall see!

Here are some pictures of Christian and Camden....

If "Camden" was in the dictionary- I'm pretty certain this is the picture that would be there!  Hungry and messy!

Christian is such a big boy!

Camden looks so much older compared to the pool pic from the beginning of summer...


Little Scooter

Oh Summer, how we love you....even if you are entirely too hot!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Christian & Camden

Well guys & gals, as you can tell- life has been super busy (what's new huh?!?!)  Anyway, I wanted to update you about my babies, it's been awhile...

Photobucket Photobucket

Christian is now 3 years and 8 months (almost 9 months) old and TOTALLY full of personality.  He is about 39 inches tall (we measured ourselves, I think he may be almost 40 inches).  He usually weighs about 34 lbs (they like to weigh!).  Christian doesn't necessarily have a favorite show right now.  He is into The Little Mermaid, Dora, Diego, Strawberry Shortcake, Jake & the Neverland Pirates, & Mickey Mouse  (don't worry, he doesn't watch all of these in one day's time).  He can count to "nedenteen" (17).  He loves singing the ABC's, "the Mack song" aka Life is a Highway off of the Cars movie, "Straw-ba-ba-ba-ba-berry Yurtcake" (Strawberry Shortcake), Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and the Spongebob song (I don't like that show and have to approve the episode IF I let them watch it).  Every night he choses from the above list of songs for me and Scott (when he's home) to sing.  He sleeps in his own bed with the closet door open for light and a mini-fan going in his room so he "can't hear a dog bark". Christian & Shelby are definitely a pair.  He has to take a flashlight, a drink, usually at least one toy, sometimes one of my/Scott's shirts, sometimes a picture, and sometimes a stuffed "animure" (animal)!  Putting him to bed takes approximately 15 minutes and you can be sure he will call you back in his room a MINIMUM of one/two times for one reason or another.  He sleeps from 8:30 or 9 until 6:30-7.  He tells me "I wuh (love) you for all all day" alot .... and also "I don't love you this much,Photobucket I love you PhotobucketTHIS much! :)

Camden..or Camdey-Cam, Cammy, Cam, Camo...whatever happens to come out! :)  Cammy is now 2 years 4 months old and 37-37.5 inches tall.  He weighs in at 32-33 lbs! (Yes, only 1-2 lbs less than his big brother!)  He cracks me up with the entire conversations that he is capable of having.  Sometimes I just look at him, amazed at the long & flowing sentences he produces! Camdey can usually count to "aweh-den-teen" (11).  He also loves singing the ABC's & can recognize most of the letters when playing a letter game on my phone.  His favorite show is definitely "bah-bah-bah-bah-bah-berry, baw-berry YURTCAKE!" He loves "Pupcake" and "Cuh-turd" (Custard) on the show. He also enjoys all of the above shows that Christian likes (he usually goes with the flow on that!).  He & Buzz are in love.  Buzz lets him rip his hair out, and Camden lets Buzz lick the excess food off of his arms ..haha!  THE CHILD COULD EAT ALL DAY LONG, EVERY SINGLE DAY!! (So long as it's not meat).  He sleeps in his own bed as well and with a single night light.  He doesn't take anything to bed at the moment, which is odd because he used to sleep with like 45 stuffed animals- he's going through a stage where he wants EVERYTHING OUT of his bed except for his pillow and two, yes two, blankets.  We sing ABC's and You've Got a Friend in Me every night.  He knows every single word of and LOVES that song. He sleeps from 8:30 or 8:45- 8ish. Photobucket He also eats his toes.

Both of these babies keep me laughing.  They do make me want to pull my hair out, but it's never long until they say or do something to make me smile and put my hair back in ;)  I LOVE THEM more than words could every say! (Camden also is more willing to take pictures with me!)


Monday, August 8, 2011

Thought I'd share my cool find :) .....

Milk= DISGUSTING. I hate the idea of it, period. BUT, I found Silk Almond "Milk" at the store a few days ago. It is NOT dairy, it has 50% more calcium in it than milk, more antioxidants, and less calories and fat! That's a winner in my book!  I bought the vanilla flavored one.  I usually eat cereal plain because I do NOTTT like milk mainly because of the idea of it.  However, I got to eat cereal like a "normal" person this morning and added some calcium to my life in a non-dairy way...whoop!! 

Photobucket;r=1   <---click that link to read more about it :)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

From the mouths of Christian & Camden.... #84 ;)

Camden: "Mama, you ho(so) pwetty!"
Christian: (handing me a mirror) "Yeah Mama, hold dis and yook at how pwetty you are."

Ohhh my goodness... I have the most precious children EVER :) :) :)