Saturday, June 4, 2011


I went to the dentist knowing that I had one tooth that needed a crown on it that I had never gotten done awhile back.  I did not realize that I would need that one crowned, plus two root canals and crowns all in one day.  So, I was there from 10am until 6 pm!!!  Partly because the assistant didn't have a clue and partly because I have funky shaped canals that were hard to get to.  Anyway, I thought I would share with you the thoughts that went through my head while I was on the nitrous gas...

Assistant: Okay, MAYgan, I'm going to turn on your nitrous.
Me: Okay.

(What seems like 2 seconds later)..... I'm sitting under the big lamp, but at the time, it felt like the warmth of the sun. I laid there imagining myself on a beach chair soaking up the rays. The bone-chilling sound of the drill comes on, except in my little beach world, it was the sound of a cool bird singing ;)  The dentist and assistant are cracking jokes back & forth, but I was so much in my own world that I never caught a single one.  I do remember him saying "no kids, no husband, just in your own world."  His was definitely right. Too bad all of this only went on for about an hour and then they turned off the nitrous so it wouldn't make me sick.  After that, I had about 6 more hours of not being in my beach world, but rather in the stinkin' dentist chair. Boo.  I need some of that gas at my house- man, I wouldn't care WHAT my kids did ;) haha, just a joke.

I have been sick all morning from antibiotics.  Blah.  I finally got smart about 30 minutes ago and ate real food (macaroni, not a popsicle) for the first time since Thursday night.  I am feeling better at the moment :)  Bet cha I'd feel even better with some of that gas ;)  haha. 

Moral of the story: 1. Never go 3 years without going to the dentist ever again.    2. Unless you want to go pretend you're on the pretty beach soaking up the sun ;)

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