Monday, November 14, 2011


Yes, I am ACTUALLY POSTING!!! I haven't been busy or anything, just sitting around eating donuts ya know ;)  NOTTT!  Life is super exciting right now with only 9 days of actual student teaching left (without counting weekends, Thanksgiving break, etc).  Thats only 9 more times to watch Christian's sad eyes watching me leave and 9 more times worth of feeling sad to not have seen Camden each day until 4pm! (he's still asleep when I leave.)

Annnnnnywho, my main purpose in blogging is to give you the first 14 days worth of what I'm thankful for.  Today is November 14, and I write down one thing for each day in November that I am thankful for... so here we go! 

Thankful for…

Tuesdays… because they mean Monday is over!
My two precious little boys.  My life is filled with more love and joy than I ever knew possible because of them.
My mentor teacher.  She has been an amazing role model and friend to me.
80+ degree days in November.  I may have been born in the winter, but I am a summer girl at heart.
Animals.  They are the definition of unconditional love.
The degree I will finally receive in December.  I know how much it will mean for my family’s future.
My parents.  They have helped me in more ways and more times than I can even begin to count and loved me when I’ve been the most unlovable person in the world.  I will always feel eternally grateful to them. 
My big extended family.  I feel blessed to have a big, loving, close-knit family.  I don’t think there is a more precious group of people on this planet.
Life’s little reminders that everything is going to be okay. There’s nothing better than seeing a gorgeous sunrise through my heartbroken-to-leave-my-kids-each-morning tears.  It reminds me that this is just a moment in time and that this too shall pass.
Laughter.  I couldn’t make it through this crazy life without it, and my kids’ giggles are the sweetest sound I’ve ever heard.
Our home.  Though I’m pretty sure I whine or complain about it being too small, etc on a daily basis- I am so grateful for a safe, clean, warm place to raise my babies.
My students.  I was somehow blessed with an extremely challenging group for my student teaching.  They teach me something new every single day.  I’m pretty sure I now feel prepared for …well, pretty much anything.
Hope.  Without it life would be just plain overwhelming.
My husband.  I have put him through every ringer there is and he always comes out the other side still loving me.

Stay tuned for the second half later on in November!  Hopefully I will be able to make a post before another month goes by!! :)

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