Monday, November 21, 2011

Happy Birthday Christian!!! (A day late to post it to the blog...)

4 years ago today, an angel changed my world in more wonderful ways than I could ever begin to count! 



Happy 4th birthday baby boy!! I guess I should say big boy, because you are so proud to be "gettin' ho big!"  You are the sweetest little thing.  You love to give me hugs and kisses and to pick me flowers at any chance you get.  You think it is so cool that you are big enough to get yourself and Camden a drink all on your own!  You weigh 37 pounds and are about 40 inches tall.  We will get the exact stats at your checkup on Friday.  Sleeping with Mama is really high up on your priority list these days!  You say, "Mama, I am 'cared in my room cause my wall goes like this 'click click'."  I always tell you that your wall does not make noises, but you don't believe me.  You say that if you had a "Cars" room you would not be scared....ha!  You absolutely LOVE Shelby and always say that she is your "hadorite dog cuh she wuh me ho muh!" ...and you are right, she loves you just as much as you love her, maybe even more!  You are back in another "Cars" obsession at the moment.  Jeans and Cars pjs are your favorite things to wear.  You always talk about Brody (from Oak Tree) and tell me how he is your best friend at school.  Mrs. Kelley says that you are such a sweet, quiet, well-behaved boy at school.  This is somewhat extremely shocking because you are so incredibly headstrong (can't imagine where you get that from!!) ;) You are super attached to the people you love and super shy around those that you don't know well.  You love Camden so much even though you fight with him pretty much non-stop!  (I know that feeling, too!)  I love you to the moon and the stars and the sky Christian Johnn!  I am so proud of you and the sweet little boy you are growing up to be. You really do light up my life!!!  Can we please slow down on this growing up business though?!

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