Monday, May 30, 2011

"New" bike!


Look at the full suspension beauty I got today--- now I can (attempt to) hang with Norris, KB, Mirtirl (Mitchell), Whodin(Susan), & Brent! Thanks to Coco & Popo for watching C1&C2, Scott for being my "body guard", & Brent for getting my bike all set for me (isn't that a cool stand he's got?!)

Let the good times roll!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Where Christian belongs....

I am keeping a file of all of the cute/funny things Christian & Camden say-- one day I will make a book out of it.  This is definitely one for the book :)

Me (to Christian): “I missed you so much today!”
Christian (3 yrs 6 mos): “Yeah, but I did want to go with Coco and I did come back to you.  I don’t bewong (belong) with Coco and Popo.  I bewong with you.  And I don’t bewong with Nanno.  I bewong with you.”

Daily fix of cuteness...or at least I think they are :)

YUMMMM   <--- This is a video of why I don't drink after children- not even my own!

A few pics for ya!....





Now for a few funny/cute things they've said lately....

1.  I hugged Christian really tight.  His response was, "Mama, don't 'queeze me too hard.  You will break me!"

2.  Camden now says "berry" for very. "Dat BERRY cooh!" (That's very cool)!

3.  Scott was holding Camden.  Camden looked at him and said, "You got 'riend (friend) Daddy."  Scott said, "Oh yeah?"  and Cam said, "You got me!"

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Yes, Oprah has done a few things that have ticked us off at times.  However, that doesn't change that fact that she is a wealth of amazing knowledge and wisdom.  I just finished watching her last show EVER.  Here are some of the awesome things I took away from that show.  Please, please take a few minutes and think about these things- this is SO much wisdom packed into a few short paragraphs....

"Nobody but you is responsible for your life. It doesn't matter what your mama did; it doesn't matter what your daddy didn't do. You are responsible for your life. ... You are responsible for the energy that you create for yourself, and you're responsible for the energy that you bring to others."   ***How amazing and true is that??  Ya know that bad hair day, can't find anything to wear, car got a flat tire....attitude you just took out on the lady in the drive-thru window?  You just turned her attitude sour, which in turn created a ripple effect.***

"You're worthy because you are born and because you are here. Your being here, your being alive makes worthiness your birthright. You alone are enough."

"I have felt the presence of God my whole life. Even when I didn't have a name for it, I could feel the voice bigger than myself speaking to me, and all of us have that same voice. Be still and know it. You can acknowledge it or not. You can worship it or not. You can praise it, you can ignore it or you can know it. Know it. It's always there speaking to you and waiting for you to hear it in every move, in every decision. I wait and I listen. I'm still—I wait and listen for the guidance that's greater than my meager mind."

"What I've gleaned from this show: Whispers are always messages, and if you don't hear the message, the message turns into a problem. And if you don't handle the problem, the problem turns into a crisis. And if you don't handle the crisis, disaster. Your life is speaking to you. What is it saying?"

***Wow....does that give ya enough to think about for awhile?!?!**** :)

Happy Birthday EMMALIE!


I can absolutely not believe that you are TEN years old!  I can remember so vividly holding a tiny sweet baby girl in my arms for hours on end when I was only 15 years old (just 5 years older than you are now!).  What a sweet joy you have brought to our family for the last decade!  We love you and hope you have an awesome day!!  See you tonight birthday girl!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Just call us the world travelers ;)

Coco & Nanno kept Camden ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL day.... (THANK YOU SO, SO MUCH!!!) ..... while we went to Houston and back.... for this...



Christian & Cam love the "new bwue cah" (new blue car)!!

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Camden: "WAHHHHHH!!!" (crying in the car yesterday)
Christian: "Mama, we need buy Cam a baby bed 'cause him is CRYIN'!"

Christian: "WAHHH!" (crying for reasons unknown)
Camden: "Aww, it be okay!"
Christian: "NO, it will NOT be okay!"

Ohhhhhhhh my kids make me smile :) :) :)

Sea World!!

Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook
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I will update with specifics about our trip and more pictures when I get them!! :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Christian's splash day at school...

(sorry none of Cam today!)

The first thing they did is all go hop in the same small pool ...well, 4 out of 7 of them...




Christian tried to stay as close to Chloe as he could all day....

He even sun-bathed with her and said "Mama, take picture me and Woah-ee (Chloe)" sweet

Sunday, May 15, 2011

HaPpY BiRtHdAy....

to GRANDMA!!! Dora is the fave around our house right now, soo......


We will see you at lunch!! Have a WONDERFUL day!!!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Cute video

This is SO CUTE!!!

Watch the video above--- (I don't know these people, just came across it online)....the little boy's reaction is so typical of a male, haha!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Pool fun!

Camden goes for a "swim"...

Ok, I will post pictures from swimming later on, but for now I had to share this video.  My mom in the background is my favorite part!!

Thursday, May 12, 2011



I just found out that I made ALL A's this semester (and that was with 2 Bible courses).... pretty much a miracle if you ask me ;)  I started my new set of classes on Monday.  I have 3 classes this summer and then student teaching this fall and (considering I do well with student teaching) I will be DONE BABY DONE with a Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies degree....

Just had to share my excitement :)

Christian's first school picture :)


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Sunday, May 8, 2011

More pics...

I had such a great day today!  I hope all of your other Mamas did too!!  Christian gave me a clipboard that he made at school that has his handprint and picture on it.  Christian & Camden gave me a birdhouse that they built and painted and also a "chi!" (tree)!  WOOHOO! 










Few pics from this morning :)





Happy Mother's Day to the most beautiful, loving, caring, selfless mother in the WORLD!  It's funny how when I was growing up, I did everything possible to be the polar opposite of my mom (including putting her through many fights and arguments, tantrums, and other countless, various fits- as you all like to remind me of oh so often) ......and now I would do anything to be half the mom & person that she is!  Thank you, Mom, for doing an amazing job raising possibly the hardest child on earth to raise.  Christian is working hard on becoming the new title holder for that, but I'm pretty sure he has 45+ million more fits to put me through before he catchs up ;)  I could never thank you enough for being so wonderful to me, even when I certainly did not even come close to deserving it.  Thank you for being so great to my babies.  We know that you would do anything for us and I hope that you know that we would do anything for you as well!

I LOVE YOU!  See you at lunch! :)


Now, for the two angels who totally and completely brought an amazing new meaning to my life.... (for when they're old enough to read this, of course)...


Christian & Camden:  You two little boys are the light of my life!  Every day is an adventure with you little stinkers!  You make me the proudest mama in the world.  The love, joy, and just pure sweetness that you are to me is breathtaking.  Really.  I'm not going to say that you don't both know how to push my buttons and give me a run for my money, but all it takes is one of your precious "I wuh who sooo muh Mama!"'s or "Give you hug, Mama!"'s, or picking me 700 flowers a day and being EXTREMELY concerned about forgetting to pick some ONE of the times you went outside (ahem, Christian) make it all worth it.  I cannot imagine a more darling pair of babies in my life, or even how I could possibly deserve you!  I hope you always remember how incredibly much I love you...even when you're 16 and hating me for grounding you from your car ;)  I will always, always, always be here for you.  I love you my sweet angels, and I love being your "Mama"!

PS- "You've got a friend in me....."  :) :)


Happy Mother's Day to all of the other MAMAS out there!! You are incredible!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Conversation at 8:30 am this morning....

Christian: "Mama, Cam will make me throw up!"
Me: "Why???"
Christian: "Cause him have banana ALLLLLL over him!"

hahaha...I love my kids

Friday, May 6, 2011


Sorry for the lack of frequent blogging lately.  We've been doing a LOT of outdoor playing and I have honestly had a harder time keeping up with schoolwork and housework in my "down" time. (If there is such a thing?!?)  Anyway, here's a little taste of what we did this afternoon!



They had the best time drinking the cold water out of the shower head (I hung it above the hot tub)... they would also go under it, gasp because it was so cold, immediately smile/laugh, make a lap around the hot tub, then do it again... Ohhhh to be so easily amused and entertained- love it :)


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

ABC's Christian and Camden style!

Camden's ABC's   <---click for video

Christian's ABC's (with a little Cam chiming in)   <--- click for video


Buzz is back with his bestie!! He's finally allowed to play! 2 more weeks and he will be 100%! If you need a vet, I HIGHLY recommend Dr. Reese in Whitehouse. Not only did he save Buzz's leg but LOOK at Buzz RUN!  After many tears and a whole lot of TLC, Buzzy Wuzzy can finally be a puppy!  WE LOVE DR. REESE!!!

Buzz can RUN!!!  <---- VIDEO!

Monday, May 2, 2011


Since I was the only mom to show up to the parties, I took pictures of all the kids and made collages for their photo book that will go out at the end of the year.  I'm not sure how well you will be able to see these, but I think if you click on the picture it will bring it up in another screen & possibly bigger...

Make sure you see the picture of Christian with the kitten in this one...

