Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sad Night...

It is a very, very sad night.  I took my kids this afternoon to let Rocky out.  Usually anytime we go over to their house, I let Shelby & Buzz run over there.  They love to run and it helps them get out of the yard and burn some energy.  However, I should've known better.  I ran over Buzz and broke his leg.  It is broken in such a way, though, that the emergency vet thinks  1.  It is most likely unfixable and that even a skilled dog orthopedic surgeon probably won't be able to make it function correctly again.  2.  It will likely need to be amputated.

This breaks my heart.  I feel beyond horrible and will probably be up with him all night crying!  Please pray that the vet I take him to tomorrow has a different, better opinion.....  I will update you after I know more.

THANK YOU to David for coming to stay with Buzz while I took my babies home, MeMe for staying with my kids on her birthday on zero notice, Papaw for going to the Emergency vet with Buzz & me, and KB for bringing me a crate for Buzz to stay in.  Love yall!

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