Monday, February 28, 2011

Bad news and good news...

The bad news is that Buzz also has a broken hip(s?).  Dr. Reese looked at the x-ray that was taken last night at the emergency vet and could immediately tell that something wasn't right with Buzz's hip area.  He said the x-ray wasn't a clear one of the hips, so he would x-ray again before Buzz's surgery to see exactly what needed to be done.  The good news is that he said that he can repair the leg with pins and that the hips will likely heal okay on their own simply from Buzz being immobilized for his leg to heal.  So Buzz is going to remain 4-legged!  We won't know for sure until he x-rays right before the surgery (after Buzz is sedated) about the condition of his hip(s).  They can't do the surgery until Wednesday.  Buzz is going to stay at the vet until then so that they can make sure he has enough pain meds, take him out to the bathroom, etc.  I really didn't want to leave him, but I think it is probably best for him. 

This picture is from last night:
Please keep Buzz in your thoughts/prayers.  He's just a puppy :(  Thank you all for your support!   Thank you to Nini for watchign the boys while I took Buzz!


Here is Buzz Lightyear's x-ray.  You can see the break, which is right above his knee and through a growth plate.  I called the vet and he now has an appointment at 9:30.  I am hoping and praying that the vet thinks he can fix it (at least MOSTLY).  Buzz is doing okay and even wagging his tail at me (the person that did this to him).  Talk about forgiveness and unconditional love.  I think we should all try to be more like dogs!

PS- I think Buzz must be one tough cookie to have been run over and not sustained even more injury.  I love this baby as one of my own and am so, so sad about this!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sad Night...

It is a very, very sad night.  I took my kids this afternoon to let Rocky out.  Usually anytime we go over to their house, I let Shelby & Buzz run over there.  They love to run and it helps them get out of the yard and burn some energy.  However, I should've known better.  I ran over Buzz and broke his leg.  It is broken in such a way, though, that the emergency vet thinks  1.  It is most likely unfixable and that even a skilled dog orthopedic surgeon probably won't be able to make it function correctly again.  2.  It will likely need to be amputated.

This breaks my heart.  I feel beyond horrible and will probably be up with him all night crying!  Please pray that the vet I take him to tomorrow has a different, better opinion.....  I will update you after I know more.

THANK YOU to David for coming to stay with Buzz while I took my babies home, MeMe for staying with my kids on her birthday on zero notice, Papaw for going to the Emergency vet with Buzz & me, and KB for bringing me a crate for Buzz to stay in.  Love yall!

Happy Birthday MEME!!

HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Thank you for being you.  We ♥

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Fresh Blog and Fresh Hair!!

Ok- my last blog said I had reached my max picture storage--- I can't imagine why though??? ;)  So we now have Barmore Boys: The Toddler Years :)  Why say anything about me in the title- we all know who this blog is about!!

Christian's new haircut.  I told him I needed to trim his hair, and he told me he wanted it "Yaved" (shaved) "Yike Daddy"... so, he got it shaved like Daddy.  I wonder how it feels to look at a miniature version of yourself on a daily basis?  ahhhhemm...Scott???

Christian picked me flowers yesterday AND today.  Today I put them in my hair.  He told me that it was "ho pretty" and was so happy :)

 Both of my babies have had double ear infections this week.  It has not been a fun week for anyone involved...

12 inches to Locks of Love ...looks like this!
 and this....

Can you believe I chopped it?  I wanted to cut 5-6 inches off..but I decided why not make some little girl really happy in the process...soo I upped it a few inches ;)