Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My OH My!

I THOUGHT that Blogger wasn't letting me log in but it was actually whatever VIRUS I have apparently had on my computer for MONTHS! Last week, my computer totally crashed (wouldn't even boot to windows) and I had to have it repaired. WA-LA! Everything works now! Sooo hopefully I can get back to posting pics & video for you to see! My last post was almost 8 months ago I think! Since then, (most of you know) I have finished student teaching and graduated with my Bachelors of Interdisciplinary Studies. We have also traveled to Disney AND Costa Rica. We've added a member to our family, Miss Baby Blue Mustang "Sally"! Camden has turned THREE since my last post...which I cannot believe. Where did my baby go?!?! Yesterday was Chuck Wagon day at Christian & Camden's school! I could be a little partial, but I'm pretty certain I have the cutest little cowboys on Earth! Neither boy would ride the pony, but both enjoyed painting one! Both also said that their favorite animal there was the bunny. I have to say mine was the little white LAMB that was in a pen with a puppy! I will have a piglet and a lamb one day. It's on my bucket list! Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
Here's a cute story for ya: We were going to Walmart (unplanned, last minute kind of thing)one day and Blyss was in the car. We REALLY needed whatever it was and it was too hot to leave Blyss in the car. Sooooo... I put her in my very large purse. I told the kids NOT to touch her or say anything about her because dogs really aren't supposed to be in the store. Christian said, "So you are going to trick the people Mama?" Not my finest example-setting moment! Anyway, it was no big deal, she never moved and no one ever knew she was in there. A couple of weeks later we were going to go on a PLANNED trip to Walmart. Camden asked if Blyss was going to come and I said no because dogs really aren't supposed to be in Walmart- we could get in trouble and get kicked out. Christian said, "By da Puh-wee?" (Police) and I responded with "Yep!" We got to Walmart and Camden said, "Look! A puh-wee car!" To which Christian responded, (VERY concerned)"Oh my! It's a good thing we didn't bring Blyss!!"

Ok- Gotta go for now!  I'll try to keep this thing updated! :)

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