Thursday, June 21, 2012

I can breathe......

I REALLY hate passing a potentially awesome opportunity, but after MUCH thought/stress/consideration and many prayers & tears, I've decided to stay home with my sweet boys and not take a FT teaching position until they start school.  Subbing here I come :)

Cheers to another couple of years doing the best job imaginable: raising my babies! :)

Saturday, May 26, 2012


Two things: Camdey Cam spent the night with Nanno....... and...... I PASSED my state certifcation test (with a 90%)to teach grades EC-6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am seriously doing a little jig!!!!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day!

I want to start with saying how thankful I am for my mom.  She is the strongest, most patient person on the planet.  I cannot imagine where I would be today without her unconditional love and support.  I am so thankful and feel so blessed to have her as my mom.  I love you, Mom!

Today has been great.  Christian and Camden gave me gifts that they made at school EARLY this morning.  I've thought all day long (as I do many days) about how I can't imagine what I ever did to deserve such precious little souls.  I am not perfect and will never claim to be, but I have and always will do everything I can to make sure that they know how incredibly MUCH they are loved, wanted, and needed.  It makes my heart happy to know that I get to spend my time watching them grow and helping mold them into who they will become and how I will be here for them through anything and everything for every moment of my life.  In case you didn't catch it..... I LOVE Christian and Camden with ALL OF MY HEART :)

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I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's day.... I know I did!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

soccer bloopers :)

while playing soccer outside with my sweet boys:

(Camden picks up ball instead of kicking it)
Me: Camdey, remember you have to use your feet!
Christian: Yeah, you just got a penalty. You just got two penalties.

HAHA.  Ohhhh I hope the coach has an endless reserve of patience and a good sense of humor! :)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

A few play pictures from today :)

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Catching up!

Several things have been going on around here (as always, ha!):

1. Several days ago I was driving from my parents house to my house after dropping Christian off and something caught my eye by the cell tower.  It was a man squatted down (almost as if he was trying quickly not to be seen?) and there was no vehicle at the cell tower so I didn't think he was a worker.  I was a little leary of stopping so I immediately called Norris and told him I thought maybe he should check it out.  He didn't find him but he did find his car parked behind some bushes and it turns out he's a thief, meth-user, etc.  So we were on somewhat of a "lockdown" that day! (Scott is even more cautious and scared than I am I do believe)  Norris called the sheriff and the sheriff had the guy's car towed so I'm sure he's ticked.

2. I have a really good possible opportunity to work full-time for Whitehouse ISD this fall.  I've been struggling a lot with the idea of not being home with my kids 24/7, but at the same time it's a REALLY perfect opportunity as far as the "perfect job" situation (not to mention the additional income!).  I really don't have any more info on that except that I am going pursue it and see what happens!
3. We are gearing up for a garage sale.  Who knew how much work went into just going through everything and getting it all in one place?!  I haven't even started tagging anything. Geesh.

Here's one of the laughable moments from a few days ago:

We were in the car and headed home....

Camden:  Mama, where are we goin'?
Me:  Home.
Camden:  Mama, where are we goin'?
Me: Home, Camden!
Camden:  Mama, are we goin' home?
Me: Yesssssss Camden.
Camden:  Chwihtin (Christian), we goin' home.
Christian: Cam! I know, duh-cuh (because) I have EARS!

haha.  I love them.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Monday, April 30, 2012

*Almost there!*

As many of you know, I had to be cleared through LeTourneau to take the state exams by passing their practice exams with 80%.  GOOD NEWS: I AM NOW CLEARED!!

So, state exam #1 (Generalist EC-6): May 22 at 7:30 am! YIKES! I know what I'm going to be doing from now until May 22.... STUDYING some more!!

The system hasn't been updated for me to register for the other exam yet- I should be able to register within a few days.

I'm excited to being one step closer to becoming a TEXAS CERTIFIED EC-6 Teacher! :)

Friday, April 27, 2012


Sooo.... I absolutely HATE buying pull-ups for nap and bedtime use.  They are expensive and seem super uncomfortable.  A girl I went to HS with (and cheered with on the SuperStars team) makes cloth diapers and wool soakers.  Wool is supposed to be awesome at absorbing and naturally antibacterial. She specially made me some extra absorbent pads to snap inside the soakers that can easily be taken out and thrown in the wash.  I can't wait for them to get here so we can try it out the new "bedtime underwear!"  Her website is  if you want to check it out :)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My OH My!

I THOUGHT that Blogger wasn't letting me log in but it was actually whatever VIRUS I have apparently had on my computer for MONTHS! Last week, my computer totally crashed (wouldn't even boot to windows) and I had to have it repaired. WA-LA! Everything works now! Sooo hopefully I can get back to posting pics & video for you to see! My last post was almost 8 months ago I think! Since then, (most of you know) I have finished student teaching and graduated with my Bachelors of Interdisciplinary Studies. We have also traveled to Disney AND Costa Rica. We've added a member to our family, Miss Baby Blue Mustang "Sally"! Camden has turned THREE since my last post...which I cannot believe. Where did my baby go?!?! Yesterday was Chuck Wagon day at Christian & Camden's school! I could be a little partial, but I'm pretty certain I have the cutest little cowboys on Earth! Neither boy would ride the pony, but both enjoyed painting one! Both also said that their favorite animal there was the bunny. I have to say mine was the little white LAMB that was in a pen with a puppy! I will have a piglet and a lamb one day. It's on my bucket list! Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
Here's a cute story for ya: We were going to Walmart (unplanned, last minute kind of thing)one day and Blyss was in the car. We REALLY needed whatever it was and it was too hot to leave Blyss in the car. Sooooo... I put her in my very large purse. I told the kids NOT to touch her or say anything about her because dogs really aren't supposed to be in the store. Christian said, "So you are going to trick the people Mama?" Not my finest example-setting moment! Anyway, it was no big deal, she never moved and no one ever knew she was in there. A couple of weeks later we were going to go on a PLANNED trip to Walmart. Camden asked if Blyss was going to come and I said no because dogs really aren't supposed to be in Walmart- we could get in trouble and get kicked out. Christian said, "By da Puh-wee?" (Police) and I responded with "Yep!" We got to Walmart and Camden said, "Look! A puh-wee car!" To which Christian responded, (VERY concerned)"Oh my! It's a good thing we didn't bring Blyss!!"

Ok- Gotta go for now!  I'll try to keep this thing updated! :)