Saturday, July 30, 2011

Balloon Race!!!

Christian & Camden's first ferris wheel ride    <---click for video

We had a great time at the balloon race.  There was not an airshow, I guess because of the wind.  However, it was nice and cool (well, coolER), because of that wind!  When we walked up to the gate to buy tickets, a lady gave us FREE ONES and asked us to help a handicapped person in the future (pay it forward!)  Nice people DO still exist!!  The kids were SO excited that Popo went with us, too!


This wagon was the best thing we've ever taken anywhere with us...

Christian's top concern was finding the train to ride.  HE REMEMBERED riding a train last year at the balloon races!


First ferris wheel ride!! They were both totally silent during it- I'm thinking they were trying to figure out whether to be scared or not!  However, they said they liked it!



Cammey on the trian ride :)

Playing in one of the play areas

Of course we didn't leave out the eating part...

Camden found out funnel cake is delicious...


Then Christian did, too!  They were both grabbing as much as they could before the other could get it..






Last year, the balloon glow made Christian cry...this year..... HE LOVED IT!


and so did Camden!!...

This ballon was SOOOO BIG!  It took probably 20+ minutes for it to air up!

Of course Camzilla worked on my glasses for me...

I just love the balloon race!! I can see us continuing to go to it for many, many years!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Happy Birthday NANNO!!!

Cheers with a Shasta!! I can't believe we're not still this age- "oh dear" (Christian's new fave saying), time flies sooo quickly!! We hope your birthday is GREAT!!! Thanks for being such a good Nanno to my babies, we ♥ you!!

Monday, July 25, 2011

OHHHH so dramatic!!!

Me: “Ok guys, time to pick up some of these toys. Grab two and I will help get the rest.”
Christian: “Mama you are makin’ us cwaydee” (Crazy)
Me: “What? I’m making you crazy???”
Christian: “Yeah Mama, ‘cause we did want to lay down ‘cause our backs are hurtin’. You are makin’ us hurt our backs (hunched over while walking).”

Another WEEK!

Wow, time is flying by so quickly!  We have been going 90mph it feels like!  This coming week's excitement?! THE EAST TEXAS BALLOON RACE.  Yes, I realize it is 105 degrees outside with a 110 heat index, but I LOVVVVVVE going to this- and so did my kids last time!  I can't believe it's already been another year and time for this again! You will find us there either Friday afternoon/evening or Saturday afternoon/evening, not sure which yet!

I will try to post some recent pics before another week goes by!!

Monday, July 18, 2011

A week?

It's been a week since I last blogged, and even longer than that since I've blogged about our fam!  I just finished my last education course with a 100 and started my last course (elective, although it's anthropology- not something I enjoy) at LETU today.  I will finish this course August 19, and start student teaching August 29.  I am super nervous about the student teaching itself and very sad about the thought of being away from my babies Mon-Fri all day for 13 weeks :( :(  I won't even be able to take Camden to his first day of school - I will be threatening Scott's life to get video footage and pictures for me -still not the same though. We are still a little unsure of how we're going to work the schedule of those 13 weeks, but just going to take it a day at a time. 

My last day of student teaching is Dec 2.  We leave for Dallas Dec 2 in the evening, and at 6:15 on Dec 3 we will be flying to Orlando to DISNEY WORLD with Debbie, Keith, Hollie, Chris, Emmalie, Elise, & Ethan :)  SO EXCITED!!!  We will return late the evening of Dec 7.

December 10th I plan to GRADUATE FROM LETOURNEAU UNIVERSITY with a BACHELOR OF INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES (EC-6) DEGREE!!  Yes, I have a HS diploma and an Associate's degree, and I am actually going to walk the stage for the first time for my Bachelor's.  Whoop!

Then, Feb 5-March 11, my babies and I can be found in PLAYAS DEL COCO, COSTA RICA with COCO (& Popo part of the time)!!

Now - I have given you my life plan from now until mid March 2012.  Am I forgiven for not posting for a week??? ;)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Cow Appreciation Day ....

Vote for our COW PIC!!    <---click that link

I'm not sure if Hollie has entered any in the contest yet.  Auntie??

We had fun with all you cow appreciation participants!! :) :)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

50 ways to live a happier life

I came across this today and I absolutely love it.  I know many of the things on this list could help me, so I thought I would share it with you, in hopes that it might just help you too!

Get up 15 minutes earlier.  Prepare for the morning the night before.  Don’t rely on your memory…write things down.  Repair things that don’t work properly.  Make duplicate keys.  Say “NO” more often.  Set priorities in your life.  Avoid negative people.  Always make copies of important papers.  Ask for help with jobs you dislike.  Break large tasks into bite-sized portions.  Look at problems as challenges.  Smile more.  Be prepared for rain.  Schedule a play time into every day.  Avoid tight fitting clothes.  Take a bubble bath.  Believe in you.  Visualize yourself winning.  Develop a sense of humor.  Stop thinking tomorrow will be a better day.  Have goals for yourself.  Say hello to a stranger.  Look up at the stars.  Practice breathing slowly.  Do brand new things.  Stop a bad habit.  Take stock of your achievements.  Do it today.  Strive for excellence, NOT perfection.  Look at a work of art.  Maintain your weight.  Plant a tree.  Stand up and stretch.  Always have a plan B.  Learn a new doodle.  Learn to meet your own needs.  Become a better listener.  Know your limitations and let others know them too.  Throw a paper airplane.  Exercise every day.  Get to work early.  Clean out one closet.  Take a different route to work.  Leave work early (with permission).  Remember you always have options.  Quit trying to “fix” other people.  Get enough sleep.  Praise other people.  Relax, take each day at a time… you have the rest of your life to live.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


We had an awesome 3rd/4th with family!! We went Sunday night to the fireworks show at the lake with Grandma, Bre, Mitch, & Coco. We really enjoyed it and Christian & Camden did, too!


Monday was the parade/lunch/dinner/fireworks (that got rained out...boooo!)


Miss Liberty! ;)

I just love this picture of all the kiddos :)  BOYS OUTNUMBER GIRLS- CRAZY!!

This was so sweet, yet also made my BP shoot through the roof all at once.  They love their "Baby Eatin'"

Ethan was actually yawning, not screaming- although I wouldn't have blamed him if he did ;)

These were our fireworks for the night ;)....kiddos running around with glow sticks!

We had a blast with all of you who were there!! :)  Can't wait to have a re-do for the fireworks!!