Saturday, May 26, 2012


Two things: Camdey Cam spent the night with Nanno....... and...... I PASSED my state certifcation test (with a 90%)to teach grades EC-6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am seriously doing a little jig!!!!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day!

I want to start with saying how thankful I am for my mom.  She is the strongest, most patient person on the planet.  I cannot imagine where I would be today without her unconditional love and support.  I am so thankful and feel so blessed to have her as my mom.  I love you, Mom!

Today has been great.  Christian and Camden gave me gifts that they made at school EARLY this morning.  I've thought all day long (as I do many days) about how I can't imagine what I ever did to deserve such precious little souls.  I am not perfect and will never claim to be, but I have and always will do everything I can to make sure that they know how incredibly MUCH they are loved, wanted, and needed.  It makes my heart happy to know that I get to spend my time watching them grow and helping mold them into who they will become and how I will be here for them through anything and everything for every moment of my life.  In case you didn't catch it..... I LOVE Christian and Camden with ALL OF MY HEART :)

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I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's day.... I know I did!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

soccer bloopers :)

while playing soccer outside with my sweet boys:

(Camden picks up ball instead of kicking it)
Me: Camdey, remember you have to use your feet!
Christian: Yeah, you just got a penalty. You just got two penalties.

HAHA.  Ohhhh I hope the coach has an endless reserve of patience and a good sense of humor! :)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

A few play pictures from today :)

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Catching up!

Several things have been going on around here (as always, ha!):

1. Several days ago I was driving from my parents house to my house after dropping Christian off and something caught my eye by the cell tower.  It was a man squatted down (almost as if he was trying quickly not to be seen?) and there was no vehicle at the cell tower so I didn't think he was a worker.  I was a little leary of stopping so I immediately called Norris and told him I thought maybe he should check it out.  He didn't find him but he did find his car parked behind some bushes and it turns out he's a thief, meth-user, etc.  So we were on somewhat of a "lockdown" that day! (Scott is even more cautious and scared than I am I do believe)  Norris called the sheriff and the sheriff had the guy's car towed so I'm sure he's ticked.

2. I have a really good possible opportunity to work full-time for Whitehouse ISD this fall.  I've been struggling a lot with the idea of not being home with my kids 24/7, but at the same time it's a REALLY perfect opportunity as far as the "perfect job" situation (not to mention the additional income!).  I really don't have any more info on that except that I am going pursue it and see what happens!
3. We are gearing up for a garage sale.  Who knew how much work went into just going through everything and getting it all in one place?!  I haven't even started tagging anything. Geesh.

Here's one of the laughable moments from a few days ago:

We were in the car and headed home....

Camden:  Mama, where are we goin'?
Me:  Home.
Camden:  Mama, where are we goin'?
Me: Home, Camden!
Camden:  Mama, are we goin' home?
Me: Yesssssss Camden.
Camden:  Chwihtin (Christian), we goin' home.
Christian: Cam! I know, duh-cuh (because) I have EARS!

haha.  I love them.

Friday, May 4, 2012