Monday, September 12, 2011


I have really dropped the ball on posting, huh!!  In the past two weeks, I have probably cried more than I have in the past 10 years!  No not really, but I seem to have my meltdowns about missing my kids on Wednesdays lol.  I'm shooting for a tear-free Wednesday this week!  So far, so good!  For a Monday, today went really well.  I have been leading the morning routine (months/days of the week/lunch count/attendance/weather) every morning for a little over a week now. Tomorrow I'm going to lead a guided/independent writing lesson... I'm very nervous, so please send happy thoughts my way around 9:05 tomorrow morning ;) GRACIAS!

I'm so thankful for all of the support from everyone- keeping kids, kind words/thoughts/gifts.  I appreciate everything and everyone's help more than you know!

Debbie gave me a book yesterday that is inspirational quotes for teachers (THANK YOU Debbie!).  I haven't read all of them yet but I will share one of my favorites that I read yesterday...  AND it applies for everyone, not just teachers....

"Dear Jesus, help me not be so busy that I miss the small pleasures You've sprinkled throughout my day....Give me a child's heart that sees the lovely simple things in life."  I absolutely LOVE it.  Soooo many of life's blessings are overlooked because we're all running around like crazy!  If you can, try to slow down even just a little tomorrow and take in everything- even if it means getting up 5 minutes early so that you won't be so rushed.  You will notice things and be grateful for things that you so often miss!  I am sure I will have more great quotes to share from the book.  That one got me through today in much better spirits, though-- so I thought I would go ahead and share :)

Here's a quick couple of pictures I took of the boys with their Grandparent's day project :) 


